


Organic synthesis intermediate of flavors and fragrances and synthetic resin
Chemical Structure O-Terphenyl


Product Properties Applications

O–Terphenyl is used as a raw material for organic synthesis and pharmaceutical intermediates.

Derivatives can be applied to organic light emitting diodes.

Product Properties Characteristics

Product Name O-Terphenyl
CAS No. 84-15-1
Molecular Formula C18H14
Molecular Weight 230.3
Appearance White Crystal
Origin Schultz Zhongneng Chemicals
Package Paper, Plastic Bag


Product Specifications

Value Unit
Apperance White Crystal
Color <20 Hazen
Purity (GC) >99.9 %


Physical Characteristics

Molecular Weight 230.3
Density (93℃) 1022 kg/m3
Flash Point 171
Melting Point 56.2
Boiling Point 332
Viscosity (100℃) 4.34 mPa·s
Solubility Parameters (25℃) 18.427 (J/cm3)0.5
Heat of Melting 55.2 kJ/kg
Heat of Evaporation 253 kJ/kg
Pressure of Evaporation 0.01172 kpa